Activity Develop a Strategic Plan




Activity Develop a Strategic Plan

Activity: Develop a Strategic Plan

1. What is the current and the desired goal of your company and why?

The current and desired goal of the company is to meet all legal requirements and ensuring that it complies with the Royal Commissions regulations and practices. This will ensure that the company can remain functioning with a proper permit and comply with any government or industry policies.

2. What type of change will you introduce: transactional or transformation and why?

This will be a transformational change. Making sure that all staff members value and understand the importance of ethical business practices. This will require a redesign of the induction process as well as the training and coaching programs. Ethical business practices should become a very significant workplace value.

3. What strategies will you use to implement the change in the organisation?

We will use the 3-stage change management strategy which will involve, unfreezing, changing and then refreezing the organisational culture to include ethical busines practices. We will firstly unfreeze the company by doing an audit to ensure that all employees are capable of ethical practices and know the importance. Changing the organisation involves training and induction. Refreezing will take time to ensure that the ethical business practices are followed and part of the organisational culture.

4. Who will lead the change or be the change agent? Will you use an external or internal consultant and why? What competencies are important for this change process?

As the CEO of the company I must be the first role model for all employees. I will also ensure that all other managers are compliant to the ethical business practices and are acting as role models as well. I will firstly use an internal consultant which will be reviewing each department and ensuring that all departments are taking the change seriously. Making sure that all staff are knowledgeable of the change and understand their new requirements.

5. Who are the key stakeholders that the change will influence? Are your customers key stakeholders and why?

There are many stakeholders that the change will influence, mainly the employees, managers and customers. The employees must make sure that they are following the new changes and understand the importance of ethical business practices. The managers need to monitor and observe the changes and report them to the CEO. Customers will be effected, as they will be treated more fairly and the organisational culture will be improved. The customers are a key stakeholder as this change will ultimately benefit them the most.

6. What leadership style will be used to influence change in your organisation?

Tranformational leadership style focuses on these three principles:

  • focusing on people, 
  • challenging norms and 
  • continuing to fundamentally change. 
  • ......

    Activity Develop a Strategic Plan
    Last updated: Feb 2022

    Page 1

    A transformational leader can turn a weak business plan into a success, but a poor leader can ruin even the best plan.

    7. What strategies will be used to influence employees to change?

    I will use a training program to help improve the employees knowledge of ethical business practices. This course presents and, furthermore, reinforces these concepts:

  • Maintaining a respectful workplace
  • Protecting the resources and information of the company, clients and also fellow employees
  • Avoiding conflicts of interest
  • Managing business finances honestly and fairly
  • Following all laws and regulations governing the organization
  • 8. What role will the department managers play during the change process?

    The role of managers and supervisors during the process of change management, managers and supervisors imply the following five roles:

    1. Communicators – communicate information about changes through direct reports.

    2. Supporters – demonstrate personal support to implement change.

    3. Trainers – also train employees in the process of change.

    4. Environment – working with the project team and give support.

    5. Managers of resistance – resistance to change and identifies it manages.

    9. What strategies will be used to mitigate any resistance to change?

    Communicate the Reasons for Change

    The next strategy to overcome resistance to change is to communicate the why, what and how. Develop a communication plan that is more than just telling your employees what you want them to do.

    Get Excited

    How you communicate the change has a huge impact on how much resistance to change will occur. If you wholeheartedly communicate the reasons for change, your conviction will be contagious. Any hesitancy will undermine the operation.

    Make it About Employees

    Change is only possible if your human resources are on board, so make sure changes are approached in terms of the employee.

    Delegate Change

    A great strategy to overcome resistance to change is: Fight resistance with culture. Train team members who are natural leaders first. They will serve as role models and influencers for the rest of your employees. This has a ripple effect.


    Activity Develop a Strategic Plan
    Last updated: Feb 2022

    Page 2

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