BSBCRT401 Assessment3




BSBCRT401 Assessment3


Assessment task 3

1. List the two to four recommendations.

Make Healthy Food more accessible and cheaper to purchase

Promote healthy food through celebrities and sportsmen

2. How do you think these recommendations can be best communicated in order to engage the public?

1) Be Authentic

2) Have a Conversation

3) Create Buyer Personas

4) Show Your Personality

5) Provide Relevant Content

6) Be Helpful

7) Focus on Quality Engagement Over Quantity

8) Be Open

9) Post About Things Other Than Your Own Brand

10) Throw in Content for Pure Consumer Enjoyment

3. How do you think these recommendations can be best communicated in order to secure government funding and resources for implementation?

Grants are typically made by the public sector or by charitable trusts and foundations. The money does not have to be repaid and is usually exempt from tax. Many grant funders will only fund organisations with charitable status. Some grant makers prefer not to fund organisations that have built up significant reserves or generate cash surpluses. This can disadvantage those with a  business-like approach to running a sustainable social enterprise. Grants almost always come with conditions, for example:

  • particular outputs or outcomes
  • achieving agreed milestones
  • unspent monies are returned to the funder
  • reporting requirements on the progress of the project or use of the money.
  • Before pursuing grant funding the charity or non-profit board should consider the following.

  • Is this an activity consistent with our aims and strategy – or is this grant encouraging us to drift from our mission?
  • Can we meet the grant conditions?
  • Will the cost of seeking grant monies outweigh the benefits?
  • How will the activity be maintained or wound up after grant funding ends?
  • 4. Describe a number of challenges your organisation will face in communicating to:

    Describe The Problem

    Describe the problem that is the main goal of your social marketing effort. It should clarify what the public health problem is, who is affected, and what you propose to do to address it. A full, clear problem description and analysis will help you decide whether to undertake a social marketing effort.

    Perform Market Research

    Market research (also called consumer or audience research) is research designed to enhance your understanding of the target audience’s characteristics, attitudes, beliefs, values, behaviors, determinants, benefits and barriers to behavior change in order to create a strategy for social marketing programs.


    BSBCRT401 Assessment3
    Last updated: Jan 2022

    Page 1

    ategy for social marketing programs.

    Define Market Strategy

    A market strategy is a plan of action for your entire social marketing program. Market strategy encompasses the specific target audience segment(s), the specific desired behavior change goal, the benefits you will offer, and the interventions that will influence or support behavior change.

    Develop Interventions

    Interventions are methods used to influence, facilitate or promote behavior change (e.g., holding training classes to help seniors start their own walking clubs, developing a Website to promote drug-free activities to youth, expanding clinic hours to improve working mothers’ access to HIV testing).

    Evaluate Your Plan

    Planning to evaluate the program as you develop your communication plan is important. You need to know both whether the program was implemented as you intended (process measures) and whether changes took place (outcome measures).

    5. Suggest some innovative approaches to overcoming these challenges.

    Informal ConsultationThis process allows you to keep in touch with key people, share ideas and informally gather their input over the life of the project. Pointed discussions over coffee or a few quick phone calls will do the job. This is a two-sided exchange. You want to share your ideas, ask questions and discuss your view of benefits of this project to the community. Use of MediaBuild a working relationship with the media. Get to know local media contacts and what encourages them to cover your project. Keep the media well informed with accurate and timely information. There is value in having a well informed, articulate project spokesperson to ensure a consistent, quality message. Consider using a combination of approaches such as print and broadcast media. Open HouseThis is the most common approach for spreading information in a community. An open house allows the public to learn more about the project and provides an opportunity to express their concerns. Ideally an open house is held in a neutral location such as a community hall. Factsheet with Tear Off ResponseA factsheet outlining the project, including information such as timelines, budget, features and benefits, or pitfalls, is a good way to inform the public about your project. Make the factsheet easy to read. It should be two to four pages in length. Keep to the essential facts of the project, both positive and negative.

    6. Reflect on how your organisation might take some risks to provoke and encourage a response from the public.

    Changing Established Habits

    Eating is not just about providing the body with the calories and nutrients it needs, and certain eating behaviors may have been established during childhood.

    Lack of Time

    A hectic lifestyle and eating on the run can lead to unhealthy food choices. Grabbing whatever is available whenever you have time can set you up for bad eating behaviors.

    Too Much Information

    The news, magazines and Internet are full of information on what eating healthy entails, and it can be confusing to know what is true and what…


    BSBCRT401 Assessment3
    Last updated: Jan 2022

    Page 2

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