BSBLED502 Manage Programs 4 (1)




BSBLED502 Manage Programs 4 (1)

BSBLED502 Manage Programs

Activity 1.1.1-1.1.2

Activity 1.2.1-1.2.2


The smart choice is to be an Employer of Choice. Being an employer of choice means that the company has carefully thought about creating an environment where people want to work and have long-lasting careers.  Management has created a place where people choose to work over other competing organizations because of what they believe the company will offer them in terms of the whole experience — compensation, benefits, training, perks, opportunities, development and purpose for being.

Triple bottom line

Step one :

What do employees want from work? There are several factors that must be present in your workplace for your employees to be happy and motivated at work. They are so fundamental to an employee’s well-being that they form the basis for motivation, engagement, and retention.

Step two :

clear objective and the objective which can improve the efficiency of staff

Step three :

Quality of study will be one of the company policy for example if the staff want to study and work at the same time, the company will need to support the staff.

Step four:

training or coaching to the staff or annually report in the company ‘s newletter

Step five : get the feedback form the staff and find the best solution for the staff

Ideal company means which provides healthy and biased free environment, they support the people who work with them as professional as a friend the working with the group is enjoyable. The job which gives the use of our proper skill and knowledge to use the limited resources up to full extent.

Activity 1.3.1-1.3.2

3 Options

Training and competency

The Company in consultation with employees identifies training needs in relation to performing work activities competently, including health and safety training.

The Company determines the competencies, training and experience required by employees and others for the safe performance of the various tasks at the workplace. Job descriptions outline specific qualifications and competencies (including any prescribed by legislation) required.

An annual program of training courses in health and safety is displayed in the HR Services training calendar and are organised and run on demand.


Consultation between the Company and employees is an essential part of effectively managing health and safety in the workplace. The Company consults with employees so that they may contribute to decisions about the implementation of safety practices and systems designed to ensure the health, safety and welfare of employees. Employee involvement at all levels is critical for ensuring a safe workplace.

The Company ensures that there is a sharing of relevant information about health, safety and welfare with employees; that the employees are given the opportunity to express their views and contribute in a timely fashion to the resolution of health, safety and welfare issues in the workplace; and the views of employees are valued and taken into account.


BSBLED502 Manage Programs 4 (1)
Last updated: Feb 2022

Page 1

the opportunity to express their views and contribute in a timely fashion to the resolution of health, safety and welfare issues in the workplace; and the views of employees are valued and taken into account.

The primary method of consultation is through Health and Safety Representatives (HSR’s) who are set up in accordance with the Work Health and Safety Act 2011.


THE COMPANY measures and reports its health and safety performance on a regular basis via:

  • Workplace health and safety inspections
  • Incident, Accident and Hazard Reports
  • Health, safety and injury management reports to the University’s Executive and Council
  • Health and safety assessment reports to Heads of Work Units
  • Health and safety audits of the WHSMS
  • Reports of injury to Workers Compensation insurer
  • Communication and creating awareness of each option

    Communication is a key element of successful WHS outcomes and all stakeholders must understand their role and responsibilities in the WHS process.

    Consulting with workers

    In terms of mental health, it is important to involve workers and their representatives in strategies and policies related to health and safety, risk management and mental illness. Not only is consulting with workers required under health and safety law, it also makes good sense in creating a safe and healthy workplace.

    What do you need to communicate? How would you communicate it?

    The priorities are:

    healthier eating and active living

    tobacco free living

    • reducing harmful alcohol and drug use

    • improving mental health

    • preventing violence and injury

    • improving sexual and reproductive health.

    How would to communicate

    Meeting the staffs

    setting priorities In developing a response to these challenges, the plan sets six priorities to guide action over the next four years. These comprise important stepping stones towards achieving the company’s vision.

    Activity 1.4.1-1.4.2

    Obtain senior management support

  • Meetings
  • Presentation
  • Negotiate terms and conditions
  • Reinforce management support

    To reinforce management support it is important to have a meeting to discuss the main objectives and goals of the program. This will help to realign the main purpose of the program and determine the reasons why the program was implemented.

  • performance data
  • feedback from stakeholders
  • Activity 2.1.1-2.1.4

    2 things to consider

  • The goal or objective need to be SMART goal
  • Type of issues or matter that will need to put in scope
  • ...

    BSBLED502 Manage Programs 4 (1)
    Last updated: Feb 2022

    Page 2

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