BSBLED502 Manage Programs tempalte




BSBLED502 Manage Programs tempalte

BSBLED502 Manage Programs

Activity 1.1.1-1.1.2

Activity 1.2.1-1.2.2


Triple bottom line

Activity 1.3.1-1.3.2

3 Options

Communication and creating awareness of each option

What do you need to communicate? How would you communicate it?

Activity 1.4.1-1.4.2

Obtain senior management support

Reinforce management support

Activity 2.1.1-2.1.4

2 things to consider

Do you feel that the consultation process includes a close relationship between WHS and your health and Well-being plan?

What approach/es would you use to consult with stakeholders in the consultation process?

Use SMARTER Goals to develop an objective to smoking cessation in your workplace.

Activity 2.2.1-2.2.4

What is an administrative structure?

What resources will be allocated for the plan?

Draw a flowchart of work breakdown strategy detailing how you would arrange training for a program.

What is the purpose of a needs assessment?

Activity 2.3.1

Step One: Identify Stakeholders

Step Two: Analyse support and commitment

Step Three: Plan activities to ensure commitment

Step Four: Perform Activities

Step Five: Monitor outcomes and take corrective action

Activity 2.4.1-2.4.3

What is the purpose of communicating with your stakeholders?

What marketing strategies would you recommend to communicate your health and wellbeing plan?

What is a communication plan?

Activity 2.5.1-2.5.2

An overall program management plan has a balance of both qualitative and quantitative evaluation methods. Recommend different evaluation methods and explain why you chose them.

What should you consider when you evaluate your program?

Activity 3.1.1-3.1.3

Is confidentiality important when you collect information from employees and other stakeholders? Why? Why not?

Why is it important to develop a sound administration system?


BSBLED502 Manage Programs tempalte
Last updated: Feb 2022

Page 1

Develop an evaluation survey for a smoking cessation program.

Activity 3.2.1-3.2.2

How can you provide support and assistance to relevant personnel?

What can a mentor do?

Activity 3.3.1-3.3.3

What does ISO9000 do?

What must the document tracking system do?

What happens when there is a change in the program?

Activity 3.4.1-3.4.3

What is a benchmark? Give an example of a benchmark

What is a milestone? Give an example of a milestone.

What should you do once a milestone is reached?

Activity 4.1.1-4.1.2

How can you start evaluating a program?

What are the three main evaluation points?

Activity 4.2.1-4.2.2

How can you communicate information from program evaluation to stakeholders?

What information may you provide stakeholders with? What is the purpose of this information? What is the information required for? Whose responsibility would the information be communicated for?

Activity 4.3.1

What is continuous improvement? How can it assist the organisation?

Skill and Knowledge Activity




Case Study


















BSBLED502 Manage Programs tempalte
Last updated: Feb 2022

Page 2

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