



BSBWOR301: Assessment 2

1. Draw a chart to represent the organisation’s goals, your team’s goals, your KPIs and your individual work goals.

2. Explain how your individual work goals will help the organisation to meet the goals.

  • Individuals working in organizations with strong functional roles are tasked with producing artifacts and intermediate products rather than whole slices of functionality.  Rather than focusing on the big picture, it is the individual’s job to produce intermediate artifacts as quickly and as efficiently as possible.  An analyst should synthesize requirements and produce specifications as quickly and effiicently as possible; a designer should take requirements specs and produce UML diagrams; coders should execute those designs; a tester should find as many bugs as possible; etc.  However, in this system who is concerned with the organization’s real goal of getting product to market?
  • Financial incentives are based on intermediate artifacts, not functional product.  Individuals are often evaluated for raises and bonuses by functional managers, even in matrix organizations.  Rather than evaluating individuals in light of their contribution toward getting product out the door, organizations tend to evaluate solely on the individual’s functional role.  A tester is evaluated according to how well she tests; designers are evaluated according to their ability to create UML documents; etc.
  • Promotions are based functionally, which creates another form of incentive that diverts attention from the organization’s goals.  While similar to financial incentives, promotions are another way organizations reinforce what they value.
  • 3. Using the work plan template, prepare your own work plan for the two-week period (1 August to 15 August), putting your tasks in order of priority. Including contingency plans for solving problems that have occurred or may occur in the future.

    4. Explain why it is important for you to have a current work plan, including the possible outcomes if your work plan is not up to date.

    Planning ensures that you are staying on track with your goals and you can ensure that you become more task oriented. Planning also provides the framework for informed decision making. Finally, planning allows focus and personal energy direction.

    Planning is important as it allows you to prioritize your work, get more done in less time, helps you to produce quality work and keeps as disciplined.

    It is quite important to plan your work so as to improve on your productivity by ensuring you are staying on the right track with your goals. For effective planning, the most important tasks should be listed at the top of the list and the least important tasks listed at the bottom. The tasks performed should be ticked off from the list to keep you on track.

    Planning is important to ensure timely completion and deliverable results. It allows you to know what results are possible and what the best path to the desired outcome should be.

    5. Describe how you would monitor your work performance to ensure that you are coping well, keeping in mind that tasks and priorities may vary each day and it is important to maintain the quality of products and services you produce.


    BSBWOR301 As2
    Last updated: Jul 2022

    Page 1

    that you are coping well, keeping in mind that tasks and priorities may vary each day and it is important to maintain the quality of products and services you produce.

    All workers need to evaluate themselves and what possible changes need to be made in their work performance if they want to be an effective member of their work team. All workers need to stay enthusiastic about their work and participate in professional development.

    A good place to start is to list all of the skills, knowledge and qualities that you consider you have. These are your identified strengths. Then you would list those skills, knowledge or attributes that you know, or think, need to be developed further. These are your identified weaknesses or potential areas of development.

    6. Describe how you could gather feedback about your work. Who might you approach and what sort of feedback could they provide?

    Step 1: Set yourself a goal.

    Step 2: Listen to and observe your own practices within the workplace.

    Step 3: Evaluate your own practices—honestly.

    Step 4: Identify the areas you wish to address for your own professional development.

    Step 5: Generate a plan of ideas and strategies that will assist you to reach your goal. Think about resources such as people, journals, colleagues and training too.

    Step 6: Begin implementing your professional development plan.

    Step 7: Record your progress and evaluate your development—set time frames that are regular and attainable.

    7. Read the key selection criteria in your position description. Select two areas where you may need to improve your skills. Research a learning option for each area; for example suitable training. Find out how much training will cost, who will deliver it, where it will be held and how the training will benefit you and BizOps

  • BS/MS degree in marketing or a related field
  • Demonstrable experience in marketing together with the potential and attitude required to learn
  • Proven experience in identifying target audiences and in creatively devising and leading across channels marketing campaigns that engage, educate and motivate
  • Solid knowledge of website analytics tools
  • Numerically literate, comfortable working with numbers, making sense of metrics and processing figures with spreadsheets
  • Good taste, a sense of aesthetics and a love for great copy and witty communication
  • Up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices in online marketing and measurement
  • 8. You hope to one day work your way up to the role of marketing manager or a consultant who organise a conference. List any additional skills (in addition to the ones already identified) that you might consider gaining to maintain continuous improvement. Explain how these skills will…


    BSBWOR301 As2
    Last updated: Jul 2022

    Page 2

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