Women make better leaders




Women make better leaders

Woman are Better Leaders than Men

In the world today, there are more women that are rising up in business and politics than ever before. Women are becoming increasingly more successful compared to a few decades ago. In every business there are more and more women in higher positions of an organisation and in many cases, Managers and CEOs of large corporate businesses around the world. There are many reasons for this including the different leadership styles that men and women have and also the way that women communicate and interact with their followers. Since discrimination has been forbidden, women have been given the opportunity to prove that they are great leaders in the world.

The leadership styles for Women are more effective than male leaders. There are a lot of types of Leadership Styles however there are 3 main ones. Laissez-Faire is one of the main styles of leadership. Laissez-Faire is a Leadership style that gives the workers freedom. It usually requires no supervisor or guidance and suited to employees who are experienced and know what they are doing. Male leaders have more commonly been known to have this type of leadership style as it is less work for the Leader and takes less effort. Male leaders generally like to mind their own business and let their staff do what they were trained to do.

The Autocratic, which is a type of independent leadership style is a mix between both female and male characteristics. This style is for leaders which do not want to listen to other’s opinions. Usually make decisions alone and does not let anyone challenge their decisions. This type of leadership is for employees who are not confident in what they do and only want to be told what to do. Therefore it can be very successful depending on the employees.

Participative Leadership is the last style. This is a very involving and participating kind of style of Leadership. This works by getting the opinions of employees and others to make the job a lot easier. This gives employees confidence and morale which is good for motivating and encouraging workers to work harder. This makes them feel important in the company which gives them better self-esteem. This gives employees a better understanding of the roles and responsibilities that they have to do. Female leaders are known to participate and interact more to a team and therefore will make better leaders compared to males.

Women tend to present themselves better as positive role models to their followers. Women tend to conduct their business better and make better decisions as a leader. A leader that is unfair with workloads such as giving difficult jobs to others and leaving the easiest tasks for themselves is a leader that will not be effective and a good role model to others. A good Leader will always strive to complete all tasks and if they are too difficult will ask for assistance. Roles models should work effectively and efficiently, doing what they have to, to make a task as successful as possible. Females have the capability and dedication to become great role models for their followers and make a team perform more effectively and efficiently.


Women make better leaders
Last updated: Jan 2023

Page 1

leaving the easiest tasks for themselves is a leader that will not be effective and a good role model to others. A good Leader will always strive to complete all tasks and if they are too difficult will ask for assistance. Roles models should work effectively and efficiently, doing what they have to, to make a task as successful as possible. Females have the capability and dedication to become great role models for their followers and make a team perform more effectively and efficiently.

There are many ways to communicate to the staff of your company effectively. However most of them will come under 3 main categories. Face to face is the most personal and effective when to communicate with staff. It is very important that Leaders interactively communicate with their followers as much as possible as they will have enough insight to lead them effectively. Face-to-face communication could be face-to-face conversations, meetings and walk around management. These ways get the most attention from employees and Female leaders tend to prefer the Face-to-Face approach more than Male Leaders. Electronic communication is less personal and less effective than face-to-face communication Emails, messages, phone calls and website communication will not get the employees attention. The last category is by print, such as letters or employee manuals. This is often unnoticed or ignored as it is not personal and does not engage the employee. It was stated by that the electronic and print methods of communication are much more preferred for the Male Leaders and therefore tend to be less influential to the employees. Being less interactive with the followers will make leaders lose their authority and influence, thus proving that women will make much better leaders.

Contribution to a team is an essential part of being a leader. From the research of the Institute of Women’s Policy Research (IWPS) Female leaders are much better at being more influential leaders and contributing to a team. The Leader must be able to contribute and help others. Not only should the leaders contribute to work tasks, the leader must allow other members to contribute to the decision making tasks. Females contribute more regularly than males and therefore Women have a better chance of interacting with their employees.

A very successful business women and leader, Sheryl Sandberg, the Chief Operating Officer of Facebook had a speech about how one of the main reasons why there are too few Women leaders is because of the Family commitments that mothers must make. Sheryl has proven that it is not impossible to have a successful Work life as well as a family life as she is a mother of 2 children. “Women give up on work too soon” Says Sheryl Sandberg, meaning that women do not try their best before giving up their careers.

Women are regarded as more respectful and courteous to their staff. Women understand what tasks their workers have to do and know that they are all important in the team. Though some people have a lower income or a low level position in the company, every employee is required to make the team as effective and efficient as possible. Male Leaders tend…


Women make better leaders
Last updated: Jan 2023

Page 2

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