BSBWOR301 & BSBCMM401 Assessment 4




BSBWOR301 & BSBCMM401 Assessment 4

BSBWOR301 Organise Personal Work Priorities and Development & BSBCMM401 Make a Presentation

Assessment 4

Q1. Describe four basic functions of communication in your own words

1-Control – communication acts to control member behavior in several ways. Organization have authority hierarchies and formal guidelines that employees are required to follow2-Motivation – communication fosters motivation by clarifying to employees what is to be done, how well they are doing, and what can be done to improve performance.3-Emotional expression – communication, provides a release for the emotional expression of feelings and for fulfillment of social needs4-Information – it provides the information that individuals and groups need to make decisions by transmitting the data to identify and evaluate alternative choices.

Q2. What are the common barriers of communication? Describe four such barriers in your own words.

The use of jargon. Over-complicated, unfamiliar and/or technical terms.

Emotional barriers and taboos. Some people may find it difficult to express their emotions and some topics may be completely ‘off-limits’ or taboo.

Physical barriers to non-verbal communication. Not being able to see the non-verbal cues, gestures, posture and general body language can make communication less effective.Expectations and prejudices which may lead to false assumptions or stereotyping.  People often hear what they expect to hear rather than what is actually said and jump to incorrect conclusions.

Q3. What are the 7Cs of communication? List and briefly describe each one of them

  • Completeness – The communication must be complete. It should convey all facts required by the audience.
  • Conciseness – Conciseness means wordiness, i.e, communicating what you want to convey in least possible words without forgoing the other C’s of communication. Conciseness is a necessity for effective communication.
  • Consideration – Consideration implies “stepping into the shoes of others”. Effective communication must take the audience into consideration.
  • Clarity – Clarity implies emphasizing on a specific message or goal at a time, rather than trying to achieve too much at once.
  • Concreteness – Concrete communication implies being particular and clear rather than fuzzy and general. Concreteness strengthens the confidence.
  • Courtesy – Courtesy in message implies the message should show the sender’s expression as well as should respect the receiver. The sender of the message should be sincerely polite, judicious, reflective and enthusiastic.
  • Correctness – Correctness in communication implies that there are no grammatical errors in communication. 
  • Q4. List at least three OHS requirements if you were to organise a presentation for a large number of audiences. What would you do to eliminate the perceived risks?

    Under Australian WHS/OH&S legislation businesses are legally obliged to:

  • provide safe work premises
  • assess risks and implement appropriate measures for controlling them
  • ......

    BSBWOR301 & BSBCMM401 Assessment 4
    Last updated: Jul 2022

    Page 1

    assess risks and implement appropriate measures for controlling them

  • ensure safe use and handling of goods and substances
  • As a business owner you have legal responsibilities to implement health and safety practices in your workplace as soon as you start your business. You need to ensure that your business doesn’t create health and safety problems for your employees, contractors, volunteers, visitors, customers or the public.

    Q5. Identify and list three key legislative requirements that you might have to consider when preparing and delivering a presentation.

    Occupational Health and Safety Act 1989

    Under this Act organisations have an obligation to take all reasonably practicable steps to provide a safe working environment for staff, volunteers and visitors.

    Discrimination Act 1991

    The principle purposes are to eliminate, as far as possible, discrimination and sexual harassment, and to promote recognition and acceptance within the community of the principle of equality of opportunity for all people and the equality of men and women.

    Privacy Act 1988

    Relevant to all organisations who maintain private records, including staff details and client information. This Act specifies that organisations are required to have systems in place for ensuring the privacy of personal information held by the organisation.

    Q6. What components make up a work plan?

  • Abstract or Executive Summary;
  • Introduction and Background (The Problems);
  • Goals and Objectives (The Outputs);
  • Resources and Constraints (The Inputs);
  • Strategy and Actions (from Inputs to Outputs);
  • Appendices (Budget, Schedule and Others).
  • Q7. Write at least three strategies you would adopt to deal with workplace stress.

    Get enough sleep

    Make sure that you get plenty of rest; six to eight hours a night are recommended. If getting to sleep is a problem, ensure that you have at least a half an hour break from your revision before going to bed.

    Control your breathing

    If you notice that you are starting to feel very stressed, for example as you wait for the examination to start, try to regulate your breathing by concentrating on breathing out to a slow count of four; the breathing in will take care of itself.

    Improve your study skills

    Effective study skills can reduce stress by making you feel more in control of your work and more confident that you will succeed.

    Q8. Give examples of “realistic” personal and professional goals (one each).

    Personal Goal: Improve my English and Speak Fluently

    Professional Goal: Get a stable job that can support my lifestyle

    Q9. Provide example of factors that may affect achievement of work objectives. For each of the factors, describe how you would overcome them in a workplace environment.

    Ability: The capacity to learn and perform the tasks required

    Standards: Expectations to achieve and guidelines by which to achieve them

    Knowledge and Skill: The information and…


    BSBWOR301 & BSBCMM401 Assessment 4
    Last updated: Jul 2022

    Page 2

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