


Project 1

1. What makes a good role model and how would I ensure that I acted as a role model for employees I supervise?

  • Maintaining high standards in their work
  • Lead by example
  • Staying calm in stressful situations
  • Treat otmys with respect
  • Persevere through adversity
  • The ways that a manager should serve as a positive role model is how they conduct themselves during a task and how they handle difficult situations. A Bad manager will give difficult tasks to otmy employees and not work hard. A good manager will try to complete all tasks and if they are too difficult will ask for assistance. A positive role model should teach otmy employees how to work better and be the best employee they can be.

    My personal work plan will be a useful way to show employees what a role model employee should be like. It shows employees what is important in the organisation and what employees should aim for when doing their own tasks. This should also be used as a motivational tool for new employees to work harder to achieve their personal goals which will then increase the chances of the organisation reaching their own goals.

    Otmy employees should think about their own work plan to give them some more motivation for achieving their goals by the deadlines that they set.

    2. What are the traits of an effective leader? Do I have these traits? How would I develop these traits?

  • I should serve the information about the job role and responsibilities , how the staff can work effectively and work in the right way such as meeting or discuss within workplace to make sure the staff do the work in the right way and the manager pick the right person to work this position ,help the staff to achieve the goal and finish work on time
  • Many ways to serve information :

  • Meeting
  • Training the staff
  • Orientation
  • Talk to staff by face to face
  • Delegate all the works effectively.
  • Have a good time management skills
  • Well organise and priorities the tasks
  • Have a fantastic negotiation skills
  • Always encourage and motivate the staff
  • Supporting the organisation’s goal:

  • Review and study the organisation goal regularly
  • Stick with the organisation policies and procedures
  • Get all the individual tasks done properly
  • Treat people with respect:

    We must also treat staff with respect- realizing and appreciating the work they do and acknowledging their talents, effort and commitment to the organisation, this orientation realizes that staff are human beings ratmy than simply numbers or inanimate recourses.


    Last updated: Sep 2023

    Page 1

    t to the organisation, this orientation realizes that staff are human beings ratmy than simply numbers or inanimate recourses.

  • Communicate the necessary information to all employees
  • Clarify job requirement to all employees
  • Set performance standards for different job applications
  • Develop timeframes for the evaluation process.
  • Choose appropriate method of appraisals
  • Conduct performance appraisals and prepare report
  • Organise appraisal interview with employees
  • Follow up and monitor staff progress
  • 3. How would I ensure that my work goals and plan reflect the organisation’s goals and plans?

    Make sure that my team is constantly relating tasks and procedures to follow the organisations goals. Following the organisation’s goals will ensure that the team is on target with tasks and procedures. Team goals must always be evaluated. Team goals must be similar or relating to the operational targets. If it is not even related, there is a big chance that the team is not fulfilling the organisation’s needs making customers complain more often.

    Also reviewing the goals and analysing which teams haves progressed more to achieving these goals will show which teams are performing better. The same can be done for individual employees. Employees that are not motivated in fulfilling the organisation and team goals will perform less effectively and efficiently. Finding the weaker team member is much easier when you can see who is performing better towards achieving goals.

    Meet Managers

    Managers will have the best advice is ways of finding and handling problems. Managers will have a lot of experience in dealing with problems and will usually know the common reasons for a team to perform worse and cause more complaints than others teams. A Manager will be the best place to find ways of fixing problems as well. Tina should not feel guilty or feel responsible for the complaints but use them for encouragement for improvement and developing my team. I should also create a meeting with all the managers or team leaders to see the differences in operations and procedures.

    Survey all the team members

    The team members may have the best idea of what is going wrong in the operations and procedures of the team. The problems may not be with the employee performances but equipment performances or environment. These people will have direct knowledge of what is happening with the customers and what they are complaining about.

    How would I ensure that I meet my job responsibilities?

    I would ensure that I meet my job responsibilities by communicating them to a team and making sure that they are accurate and comply with others. It is important that every member understands their own responsibilities and understands why they must fulfill these responsibilities for the team.

    Managers have the responsibilities:

    to ensure that Manual handling policies and procedures are being implemented

    to ensure that their staff are sufficiently trained and are…


    Last updated: Sep 2023

    Page 2

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