Task 01 – Emotional Intelligence




Task 01 – Emotional Intelligence

Task 01:

Reflect on your emotional intelligence

(Research and Written Report)

1. Use at least one appropriate tool or methods to identify your own emotional strengths and weaknesses. Options include, for example:

a. personal SWOT analysis

Note: Keep evidence (for example, worksheets and screenshots) to submit with your reflection as evidence.

2. Identify at least three instances where you have felt stressed or experienced a negative emotional state at work. For each instance, consider the precise context, causes and your response.

Working in stressful situations makes workers more vulnerable to physical injuries. Causes of stress include:

  • Work overload
  • Job insecurity
  • Poor working conditions
  • Communication difficulties between management and worker
  • Bullying, harassment or intimidation
  • Inadequate staffing or resources
  • Lack of control over work load or work itself
  • Insufficient training
  • Unresolved health and safety issues
  • Employers are obliged to prove workers with a safe and healthy working environment that includes:

  • Consultation with workers and their HSRs
  • Providing adequate, accurate and appropriate information, training, instruction and supervision
  • Identify, access and control hazards including organisation structures and individual behaviours
  • Providing adequate and appropriate physical working environment with a cohesive and operation organisation structure
  • 3. Identify at least two causes or triggers of your own personal emotional states at work.

  • Major life changes. These changes can be positive — a new marriage, a planned pregnancy, a promotion or a new house. Or they can be negative — the death of a loved one or a divorce.
  • Environment. The input from the world around us can be a source of stress. Consider how you react to noises, such as a barking dog, or to too much or too little light in a room.
  • Unpredictable events. Out of the blue, uninvited houseguests arrive. Or you discover your rent has gone up or that your pay has been cut.
  • Workplace. Common stressors at work include an impossible workload, endless emails, urgent deadlines and a demanding boss.
  • Social. Meeting new people can be stressful. Just think about going on a blind date and you probably start to sweat. Relationships with family often spawn stress as well. Just think back to your last spat with your partner or child.
  • ......

    Task 01 – Emotional Intelligence
    Last updated: May 2022

    Page 1

  • Social. Meeting new people can be stressful. Just think about going on a blind date and you probably start to sweat. Relationships with family often spawn stress as well. Just think back to your last spat with your partner or child.
  • 4. Identify at least one instance of modelling workplace behaviours that demonstrate management of emotions as an example for others to follow.

    The best ways to gauge the sources of stress are to observe trends during high stress periods, and to speak with employees. Once you have identified your workplace stressors, take steps to alter or eliminate those elements:

    1. Review and work to change policies, procedures and practices that undermine employees’ personal power, sense of control or motivation.

    2. Make changes in the work environment that increase employee involvement and give them as much control as possible over their tasks. Involve them in setting goals, making decisions and solving problems.

    3. Adopt new cultural and communication styles that encourage open sharing of ideas and that avoid misperceptions.

    4. Make sure employees are clear about expectations, what tasks and activities take priority, and why.

    5. Keep employees apprised of changes and how those changes will affect their work in both the long and short term.

    6. Supply employees with the resources needed to get the job done.

    7. Consider physical changes in the work environment to make it more comfortable and user friendly.

    5. Identify three actions you will take to improve your own emotional intelligence on the basis of self-reflection or feedback from others. Reflect on emotional intelligence principles and strategies to justify your proposed actions.

    Think ahead

    Practicing effective time management is key to lessening stress in the workplace. Jacobs recommends starting projects far ahead of deadlines to guard against scrambling at the last second. Take note of how long tasks or projects take you to complete so you can best manage your own expectations and those of your colleagues. Avoid the stress of being late to meetings by setting your watch five to 10 minutes ahead.

    Focus on one thing at a time

    Instead of trying to deal with everything at once—answer emails, make calls, organize your desk, finish a report—focus on accomplishing one thing at a time. For example, answer emails for an allotted amount of time, then stop and focus on something else, like the report you need to finish. This helps minimize stress by allowing you to focus on the objective at hand instead of feeling scattered. 

    Take a break

    “We all need to build in rest periods during the day. Working through lunch is a terrible way of managing stress. Try taking 30 to 60 minutes to step away from your desk and decompress. You will come back with a sense of replenishment.”


    Task 01 – Emotional Intelligence
    Last updated: May 2022

    Page 2

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